Services Offered
Our services target mainly children; in the context of their families and communities structures from disadvantaged communities such as informal settlements, townships and peri -urban areas in Gauteng.
At present GCRC is implementing the following programmes and projects in different communities throughout the Gauteng province
- General Advocacy Programme on the Rights and Responsibility of Children.
- Sexual Harassment against Learners at Schools.
- Child participation.
- Clinical/ Psychosocial Services in Evaton and Braamfontein.
- Diepsloot HIV/AIDS Care and Support project.
- Diepsloot 100 children Resilience project.
- Weiler’s Farm community OVC care and support programme.
Programmes and project are implemented through the following activities:
Capacity Building
- Training, education and mentorship of other organizations, community structures, children and institutions on issues related to children’s well being through workshops, conferences, seminars and group work.
- Distribution of information material
- Documentation, distribution and management of resource data.
- Community Awareness and Education Campaigns on issues related to children’s rights
- Co-ordination and facilitation of activities and events recognized locally, nationally and internationally intended to observe, promote and protect children’s rights.
Clinical/ Psychosocial services
- Psychosocial counselling and therapy
- Therapeutic and support groups facilitation management
- Trauma debriefing, counselling and management
- Aftercare services
- Case assessment and management
Collaborations with Provincial Government departments, development agencies, institutions and other organizations serving the interest of children.
Situational analysis
Ongoing situational analysis of status of children in the province on matters related to their well being.
- Media contacts and responses.
- Publication dialogues and contracts with stakeholders.
- Creating awareness, sensitizing communities about policies and legislations that promote and protect children’s rights.
- Mobilizing participation for influence in matters affecting children.